What’s the difference between copywriting and storytelling?

David Lefèvre

Discover the difference between copywriting and storytelling in this article. Master the art of effective storytelling!

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Copywriting and storytelling are two crucial aspects of marketing and communication. Although they share similarities, they focus on different objectives and approaches. Copywriting focuses on creating persuasive texts to sell a product or service, while storytelling aims to create an emotional connection with the audience by telling a captivating story. While copywriting focuses on selling points and product benefits, storytelling uses narrative elements to evoke emotions and engage readers. Understanding the difference between copywriting and storytelling is essential to developing effective and engaging communication strategies.


What is copywriting

Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive text to incite action. This involves creating messages that captivate and convince the reader to act in a certain way, whether by buying a product, signing up for a service, or adopting a certain attitude. Copywriting uses specific writing techniques to make text more attractive and persuasive, such as the use of powerful words, testimonials, convincing statistics and hypothetical scenarios. The ultimate goal of copywriting is to persuade the reader to make a favorable decision in favor of the company or brand, by highlighting the benefits and features of the product or service in a convincing and persuasive way.

What’s the point of copywriting ?

Copywriting is a powerful tool used to influence consumer behavior and achieve a variety of marketing objectives. Indeed, it is essential in advertising campaigns, where powerful messages can arouse the target audience’s interest and prompt them to take action. On sales pages, copywriting is crucial to presenting a product or service in a convincing way, highlighting its benefits and addressing the needs of potential customers. Similarly, in e-mail marketing, well thought-out copywriting can encourage recipients to open, read and reply to e-mails, thereby increasing conversion rates. Finally, copywriting is also used to build brand awareness by creating messages that resonate with the target audience and establish a lasting emotional connection.


What is storytelling

Storytelling is much more than simple narration; it’s a powerful means of communication that transcends words to create an emotional connection with audiences. By using narratives, storytelling makes it possible to convey messages in a more engaging and memorable way. Stories captivate audiences by taking them on an emotional journey, helping them to connect more deeply with the characters, ideas or brands presented. This approach elicits emotions that can influence attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. In marketing and communications, storytelling is used to humanize brands, create a bond with consumers and build loyalty by sharing common values and experiences.

What is storytelling  for?

First and foremost, storytelling is a powerful tool used to create a deep emotional connection with audiences. By telling compelling stories, companies can not only arouse emotions, but also reinforce their brand’s identity by giving it a distinct personality and values. Moreover, storytelling can also convey important values and messages in a more memorable and engaging way than mere facts or arguments.

In addition, in marketing, professionals make extensive use of storytelling to create impactful advertising campaigns, develop engaging content on social networks, or craft inspirational speeches. Ultimately, storytelling enables brands to stand out from the crowd by creating unique narrative experiences that resonate with their target audience.

Difference between copywriting and storytelling

Copywriting and storytelling are two distinct approaches to communication, each with its own purpose and method.

Objective and approach of copywriting

First and foremost, copywriting aims to persuade and incite to action. It is used in contexts where the aim is to persuade the reader to buy a product, sign up for a service or take some other specific form of action. Copywriting focuses on benefits and selling points, highlighting the features of the product or service to convince the target audience.

Objective and approach to storytelling

In contrast, storytelling seeks to captivate and move the audience. It uses narrative elements such as characters, plots and conflict to create an immersive experience for the audience. Professionals use storytelling to create an emotional connection with audiences, reinforce brand identity and make messages more memorable.


In conclusion, although copywriting and storytelling are both powerful communication tools, people use them in different contexts and they aim for different goals. There is indeed a difference between copywriting and storytelling. Copywriting persuades and motivates, while storytelling captivates and moves. By understanding the difference between these two approaches, marketing and communications professionals can choose the best strategy to achieve their objectives.