5 little-known copywriting techniques

David Lefèvre

Explore 5 little-known copywriting techniques to improve your writing skills and captivate your audience instantly.

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In the saturated world of online marketing, persuasive copywriting is an essential asset for capturing your audience’s attention and converting visitors into customers. However, many copywriting techniques remain little-known, often relegated to the arcana of the profession. In this article, we explore 5 little-known copywriting techniques that can transform your texts into powerful tools of persuasion. Get ready to discover surprising tricks to boost your copywriting skills and achieve remarkable results.

The “Fascinating” rule

The “Fascinating” rule is a copywriting technique that involves immediately capturing the audience’s attention from the very first lines of a text. By using intriguing, surprising or provocative elements, this method aims to arouse interest and entice readers to read on.

Rule definition

The “Fascinating” rule is based on the principle that first impressions are crucial. By arousing curiosity or offering an intriguing perspective early on in a text, copywriters can grab their audience’s attention and keep them engaged throughout the content.

Examples and practical applications

To illustrate this rule, let’s take the example of a blog post on productivity. Rather than start with generalities on the subject, the author might introduce a surprising statistic, such as “Did you know that the most productive people have a habit in common that you’ve never heard of before?”. This statement immediately intrigues the reader and encourages him or her to read on to discover this mysterious habit.

In marketing, the “Fascinating” rule can also be applied to ad titles. For example, an advert for a beauty product might begin with a provocative question such as “Have you ever wondered if your moisturizer really works on your skin?”. This approach arouses the consumer’s curiosity and encourages them to find out more about the product.

The “Reverse Storytelling”


One of the best copywriting techniques, the “Reverse Storytelling” method is a storytelling approach that starts with the conclusion or desired outcome, then works backwards in time to reveal how that outcome was achieved. Unlike traditional storytelling, which follows a linear progression, “Reverse Storytelling” first captures attention by setting out the denouement before returning to the events that led up to it.

Explanation of the method

“Reverse Storytelling” begins by presenting the climax or resolution of a story, creating a sense of suspense and intrigue in the audience. Then, instead of following a classic chronological progression, the narrative moves backwards to reveal the actions, choices and obstacles that led to this denouement. This non-linear approach maintains the audience’s interest while offering a unique perspective on the story.

Illustrations of its effectiveness

Let’s take the example of an advertising campaign for a luxury watch brand. Rather than start by presenting the brand’s technical specifications or history, the ad could begin with a captivating scene of the protagonist wearing the watch at a prestigious event. Then, the narrative would flash back to show decisive moments in the protagonist’s life when the watch played a symbolic role, highlighting its importance and emotional impact.

In the field of corporate communications, “Reverse Storytelling” can also be used to tell the story of a company’s or a project’s evolution. By first presenting the impressive results achieved, then going back over the challenges overcome and the efforts made to achieve them, companies can captivate their audience’s attention and highlight their expertise and determination.

Using the “Power of Words”

Among copywriting techniques, the use of “Word Power” is a copywriting strategy that involves choosing powerful, evocative terms to arouse emotions, captivate attention and incite action.

Exploring impactful words

Impact words are those that evoke strong emotions, vivid images and intense sensations in the reader. They include descriptive adjectives, dynamic action verbs, evocative metaphors, and emotionally-charged words such as “sensational”, “exhilarating”, “revolutionary”, “unforgettable”, “dazzling”, and so on. These words have the power to create an emotional connection with the audience and make the message more memorable and persuasive.

Tips for incorporating them into copywriting

 These are :

  • Knowing your audience: Adapting your choice of words to suit your target audience and their values, aspirations and concerns.
  • Use specificity : Opt for precise, concrete words that reinforce the message and make the writing more impactful.
  • Evoke the senses: Incorporate words that appeal to the senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell) to create vivid images and immerse the reader in the experience.
  • Vary vocabulary: Avoid repetition by exploring different alternatives for expressing an idea, while taking care to maintain the coherence and clarity of the message.
  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different words and phrases to see which resonate best with the audience, and adjust accordingly to optimize the content’s impact.

By skilfully incorporating impactful words into copywriting, copywriters can enrich their texts, capture their audience’s attention and enhance their persuasive power. By taking care to choose evocative and relevant terms, they can create messages that resonate deeply and incite action.

“Emotional persuasive copywriting”

One of the most widely used copywriting techniques, “Emotional Persuasive Copywriting” is a strategy that harnesses emotions to influence audience attitudes and behaviors. This approach is based on an understanding of the profound link between emotions and decision-making.

The link between emotion and persuasion

Emotions play a crucial role in the decision-making process. Studies show that human decisions are often guided by emotions rather than pure logic. By using words and stories that evoke emotions such as joy, fear, sadness or hope, copywriters can influence the audience’s perceptions and actions.

Tricks for creating an emotional connection with the’audience

 These are :

  • Knowing your audience: Understanding the needs, desires and concerns of your target audience allows you to’tailor your message to evoke relevant emotions.
  • Telling stories: Personal or inspirational stories create an emotional connection with the audience, sharing experiences that resonate with their own emotions and experiences.
  • Use emotional language: Incorporate emotionally-charged words into content to evoke powerful feelings and create an empathetic connection with readers.
  • Use evocative images: Visuals can also play an important role in creating an emotional connection, illustrating the benefits of the product or service in a vivid and compelling way.
  • Providing solutions to emotional problems: Highlight the benefits and solutions offered by the product or service to meet the audience’s emotional needs, such as security, comfort, happiness or a sense of belonging.

By combining these tricks, copywriters can create content that touches the audience deeply, reinforces their engagement and stimulates action. By harnessing the power of emotions, they can elicit emotional responses that positively influence purchasing decisions and strengthen brand relationships.

The art of “Subtle Selling”

One of the most opted-for copywriting techniques, the art of “Subtle Selling” involves influencing buying decisions in a discreet but effective way, avoiding aggressive sales techniques and favoring instead a subtle, persuasive approach.

Discreet but effective approach

The “Subtle Selling” approach is based on creating a positive experience for the consumer, by highlighting the benefits of the product or service in a non-intrusive way. Rather than pushing directly to purchase, this approach seeks to establish a relationship of trust with the audience, providing useful information and responding to their needs in a subtle way.

Examples of subtle sales tactics

These are :

  • Educational content: Create informative, useful content that highlights the benefits of the product or service without seeming to sell. For example, a how-to guide or blog post that gives tips on how to use the product or best practices in a related field.
  • Customer testimonials: Highlight testimonials and positive customer reviews to demonstrate the value of the product in an authentic and credible way.
  • Discreet special offers: Offer special offers or discounts in subtle ways, for example by embedding them in content or presenting them as an exclusive opportunity reserved for subscribers.
  • Personalization: Use personalization to offer product recommendations or offers tailored to each customer’s specific needs, creating a more personalized and compelling shopping experience.
  • Emotion appeal: Use stories or examples that evoke positive emotions related to the product or service, reinforcing the appeal and relevance of the offer in a subtle way.

By adopting a “Subtle Selling” approach, companies can effectively influence purchasing decisions while preserving their customers’trust and loyalty. By offering a positive buying experience and highlighting product benefits in a subtle way, they can maximize sales while strengthening their relationship with their audience.